Thursday, April 30, 2009

A sad, sad day for NZ's development sector

I have sadly just been informed that an announcement will be made tomorrow (1 May) regarding the future of NZ's Agency for International Development (NZAID) - that it will be integrated back into the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

The implications of this move are huge for NZ's development sector. NZAID is renowned for being a world leader in the delivery of aid. As a semi-autonomous department that has effectively operated outside the purview of government and thus the rule of politicians, NZAID has proved an exemplary model that has received particular attention and praise from, amongst other organisations, the OECD.

NZAID's focus has been on poverty alleviation, however, with its integration back into MFAT the focus will shift to 'economic development' and instead of being run by development professionals, NZ's aid will be delivered by politicians and diplomats. Changing the focus of NZ's overseas development assistance from poverty alleviation to economic development will result in what is called 'boomerang aid' - the money that should be spent on helping developing countries and their people will inevitably return to NZ as NZ-based companies are contracted to do, generally, infrastructural development in developing countries.

This approach to development harks back to out-dated modernisation and neo-liberal theories of development and will mean a shift away from approaches that champion sustainable development, community empowerment and partnership.

May day will be a very sad day indeed for NZ's development community as well as the multitude of countries, organisations and people that NZAID has worked with. Yet again, the National-led government has proved that it is completely out of touch with the world's needs. John Key's big business approach to leadership is making sure that NZ will take a long, long time to recover from his utter arrogance and pig-headed leadership.

1 comment:

  1. sounds bad man - I can only hope that your information is wrong (don't expect that's the case, but I've got my fingers crossed for it anyhow).

    did I ever mention that there is loads of development stuff over here amongst the clouds, rain and tea??
